Scenario Descriptor

This page is intended to explain the input to teflo. The goal and focus behind teflos input is to be simple and transparent. It uses common language to describe the entire scenario (E2E). The input is written in YAML. The term used to reference teflo’s input is a scenario descriptor file. You will hear this throughout teflo’s documentation.

Every scenario descriptor file is broken down into different sections. Below is a table of the keys that correlate to the different sections.






The name of the scenario descriptor file.




A description of the intent of the scenario.




A list of external resources the scenario depends on that Teflo can check in Semaphore before running the scenario.




A list of scenario descriptor files that should be included when running the scenario.




A list that contains blocks of Asset definitions that should be dynamically provisioned or statically defined to be used by the rest of the scenario.




A list that contains blocks of Action definitions that define scripts or playbooks that should be run to configure the assets defined in the provision.




A list that contains blocks of Execute definitions that define scripts, commands, or playbooks that execute tests on the appropriately configured assets.




A list that contains blocks of Report definitions that should be run to import test artifacts collected during test execution to a desired reporting system.



Each section relates to a particular component within teflo. You can learn about this at the architecture page. Below are sub pages which go into further detail explaining the different sections.

When we put all of these sections together, we have a complete scenario to provide to teflo. You can see an example of a complete scenario descriptor below:


# template used to demonstrate the layout of a multi product (interop)
# scenario definition consumable by the interop framework in this case
# teflo.

# generic section

# defines common information about the scenario

name: demo
description: >
    Scenario to demonstration the teflo framework.

# resource checking section

# As part of the validation that teflo performs, it can also
# check the status of resources that an end to end scenario
# relies on.  The user can set a list of services
# that need to be checked for status
# prior to the start of the teflo workflow under monitored_services.
# Note: these services will only be validated if you
# set the resource_check_endpoint key in your teflo.cfg file e.g.
# in teflo.cfg add:
# [defaults]
# resource_check_endpoint=<endpoint url>
# Currently only semaphore and is supported
# Along with services, users can run their own validation playbooks or scripts before
# starting the teflo workflow. If the validation here fails the workflow doe snot move ahead
# Playbooks and scripts use Teflo's ansible executor/runner

    - ci-rhos
    - brew
    - polarion
    - umb
    - errata
    - rdo-cloud
    - covscan
    - rpmdiff
    - name: ansible/list_block_devices.yml
          X: 18
          Y: 12
          ch_dir: ./scripts/
    - name: ansible/tests/test_execute_playbook.yml
          X: 12
          Y: 12
          ch_dir: ../../scripts/
      - name: ./scripts/ Teflo_user
        executable: python
      - name: ./scripts/ X=15 Y=15

# include section

# Defines any other scenario files that need to be executed
# These scenario files have to be in the same workspace as the master/original scenario
# During running of teflo workflow tasks from the included scenarios will be run
# e.g if task selected is provision, the resources of master scenario will be provisioned
# followed by provisioning of resources defined in the included scenarios

  - py3_incl_prov.yml
  - py3_incl_orch.yml

# provision section

# defines all systems required for the scenario

  # test driver
  - name: testdriver                            # machine name used for creation
    description: "test driver"                  # describes the purpose of the host
    provisioner: openstack-libcloud             # provisioner being used to provision the asset
    credential: openstack                       # credentials to authenticate the openstack instance
    image: rhel-7.5-server-x86_64-released      # image to boot instance based on
    flavor: m1.small                            # instance size
    networks:                                   # instance internal network
      - <internal-network>
    floating_ip_pool: ""              # instance external network
    keypair: <keypair>                          # instance ssh key pair
    groups: testdriver                          # host group
    ansible_params:                             # defines ansible parameters for connection
      ansible_user: root
      ansible_ssh_private_key_file: <private-key-filename>

  # test client 1
  - name: testclient01                          # machine name used for creation
    description: "test client 01"               # describes the purpose of the host
    provisioner: openstack                      # provisioner to create host using openstack
    credential: openstack                       # credentials to authenticate the openstack instance
    image: rhel-7.5-server-x86_64-released      # image to boot instance based on
    flavor: m1.small                            # instance size
    networks:                                   # instance internal network
      - <internal-network>
    floating_ip_pool: ""              # instance external network
      keypair: <keypair>                        # instance ssh key pair
    groups: testclient                          # host group
    ansible_params:                             # defines ansible parameters for connection
      ansible_user: root
      ansible_ssh_private_key_file: <private-key-filename>

  # test client 2, defining a static machine
  # this is useful if you wish to skip teflo's provisioning
  # this machine can be referenced in orchestrate and execute
  - name: testclient02                          # machine name used for creation
    description: "test client 02"               # describes the purpose of the host
    ip_address: <machine_ip_address>
    groups: testclient                          # host group
    ansible_params:                             # defines ansible parameters for connection
      ansible_user: root
      ansible_ssh_private_key_file: <private-key-filename>

# orchestrate section

# defines all actions to be performed for the scenario. these actions will be
# executed against the systems defined in the provision section. Each action
# will define which system to run against.
# Then, three types of orchestrate actions are supported by the default orchestrator (ansible):
# 1. ansible_shell
# 2. ansible_script
# 3. ansible_playbook
# Only one type of orchestrate action can be run per action.

  # user defined playbook to execute
  - name: task_1                                # action name
    description: "performs custom config"       # describes what is being performed on the hosts
    orchestrator: ansible                       # orchestrator module to use in this case ansible
    hosts:                                      # hosts which the action is executed on
      - testclient01                            # ref above ^^: provision.testclient01
      - testclient02                            # ref above ^^: provision.testclient02
    ansible_playbook:                           # using ansible playbook
      name: custom.yml                          # name (playbook name) (full filename and path relative to the workspace)
    ansible_options:                            # options used by ansible orchestrator
        var01: value01
    ansible_galaxy_options:                     # options used by ansible galaxy
      role_file: role.yml

  # create ssh key pair for ssh connection between driver/client(s)
  - name: create_ssh_keypair                     # action name
    description: "creates ssh key pair for auth" # describes what is being performed on the hosts
    orchestrator: ansible                        # orchestrator module to use in this case ansible
    hosts:                                       # hosts which the action is executed on
      - testdriver                               # ref above ^^: provision.testdriver
    ansible_playbook:                            # playbook name(full filename and path relative to the workspace)
      name: create_ssh_keypair.yml
    ansible_options:                             # options used by ansible orchestrator
        user: root

  # inject driver ssh public key pair to client(s)
  - name: inject_pub_key                        # action name
    description: "injects ssh keys into sut"    # describes what is being performed on the hosts
    orchestrator: ansible                       # orchestrator module to use in this case ansible
    hosts:                                      # hosts which the action is executed on
      - testdriver                              # ref above ^^: provision.testdrive
      name: inject_pub_key.yml                  # playbook name(full filename and path relative to the workspace)
    ansible_options:                            # options used by ansible orchestrator
        user: root
          - testclient01
          - testclient02

  - name: rhn_subscribe                         # action name
    description: "subscribe to rhsm"            # describes what is being performed on the hosts
    orchestrator: ansible                       # orchestrator module to use in this case ansible
    hosts:                                      # hosts which the action is executed on
      - all                                     # ref above ^^ to all hosts : provision.*
      name: rhn_subscribe.yml                   # playbook name(full filename and path relative to the workspace)
    ansible_options:                            # options used by ansible orchestrator
        rhn_user: rhel_server_01
        rhn_password: password
        auto: True

   # use FQCN and collection install
  - name: Example 1                             # action name
    description: "use fqcn"                     # describes what is being performed on the hosts
    orchestrator: ansible                       # orchestrator module to use in this case ansible
    hosts:                                      # hosts which the action is executed on
      - all                                     # ref above ^^ to all hosts : provision.*
      name: namespace.collection1.playbook1       # playbook name(Using FQCN)
      role_file: requirements.yml               # A .yml file to describe collection(name,type,version)

# execute section

# defines all the tests to be executed for the scenario
# Each execute task has an option to clone a git,
# where the tests resides if not done in orchestrate
# Then, three types of execution supported by the default executor (runner):
# 1. shell
# 2. script
# 3. playbook
# One must be selected
# Finally, each task has an optional artifacts key used for
# data gathering after the test execution.

  - name: test_suite_01
    description: "execute tests against test clients"
    executor: runner
    hosts: driver
      - repo:
        version: test-ver-0.1
        dest: /tmp
      - chdir: /tmp
        command: /usr/bin/restraint --host 1={{testclient01}}:8081 --job foo.xml
    artifacts: retraint-*, test.log

  - name: test_suite_02
    description: "execute tests against test clients"
    executor: runner
    hosts: driver
      - repo:
        version: test-ver-0.1
        dest: /tmp
      - chdir: /tmp
        name: arg1 arg2
    artifacts: retraint-*, test.log

  - name: test_suite_03
    description: "execute tests against test clients"
    executor: runner
    hosts: driver
      - repo:
        version: test-ver-0.1
        dest: /tmp
      - chdir: /tmp
        name: test.yml
    artifacts: retraint-*, test.log

# report section

# Teflo supports importing to external tools using teflo plugins. Please refer the report section
# under Scenario Descriptor for more information on plugins
# Below example is for importing test runs xmls to Polarion

    - name: suite1_results.xml                           # pattern to match the xml file to be imported
      description: import suite1 results to polarion     # description of the reporting task
      executes: test_suite_01                            # execute task to look for the artifacts/xml mentioned under name
      importer: polarion                                 # importer to be used
      credential: polarion-creds                         # credentials to connect to the external tool(provided under teflo.cfg)

# notification tasks

# Teflo supports notification using email as default. Please refer notification section under
# scenario descriptor to know more about notification using webhook plugins and different triggers
# that can be set for notification
# Below example is for notification using email on completion of provision task

  - name: notify1                                         # task name
    notifier: email-notifier                              # notifier to be used
    credential: email                                     # credentials needed for notifier to be set under teflo.cfg
    on_tasks:                                             # trigger for notification to be sent
      - provision
    to:                                                   # list of email addresses to send the notification to
    from:                                 # email the notification is from
    subject: 'Provision task completed'                   # subject of the email